Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Minute by minute, by minute

Sorry for the old Doobie Brother's song title but it pretty much characterizes my life right now. There is WAY too much going on. And every minute seems to be filled. Whew! In the span of 4 weeks I will have participated in the following:
-A global summit leadership conference hosted by our church this lasted 2 days
-Saying goodbye to my lovely Kindergartners in their own little official ceremony (sniff, sniff) who will graduate out of my ministry (preschool) and move into the children's ministry.
-holding training for our Sunday School leaders and specifically my Preschool leaders
-recruiting 10 new leaders for Sunday School
-Promoting up our children into their new Sunday School classes
- preparing our Wednesday night AWANA, kids discipleship program, to kick off

And then in the middle of all this the Olympics are going on and I REALLY want to watch them but they are on really late and I don't have a DVR. :-(. So.... I "cheat" and stay up which is wreaking havoc with my health.

I am nowhere close to finished here but I will stop before the snoring starts, HA!

So you may be thinking what's my point other than a big ol pity party? LOL
Here it is....Have you noticed that life is FILLED with busyness. And in the middle of this busyness is the hum of life. You know birds are still singing and building nests in my trees, my grass is still growing, kids are still giggling all around me and wanting me to come out and play, and friends lives are still rolling along and wanting conversation. So I have choices to make. To either cave and cater to the busyness or STOP, slow down and be excited to hear a thunderstorm, stop and listen and even watch; play with my little friends and enjoy giggling with them while they still think I am "cool". ha! And talk with my friends, who have joys, sorrows, and struggles and need a friend to talk with.

I am studying about the blessings of God right now in my Bible Study. It is so cool to try and fathom that the God of the universe loves me so much he "blesses" me every day by saying my name that is written on His hand, and singing over me, Zepheniah 3:17. So enjoy the days that God gives you. Enjoy the blessings that He is showering on you. Try and "listen" to the singing over you. And I am taking my own advice and with God's help I can do this too! :-)


Anonymous said...

You're exactly right. Life is just too busy. We have to be intentional about setting our priorities. If we don't set our priorities, then someone else surely will!

Anonymous said...

I so appreciate this reminder. I have worked hard the last few years to eliminate the unnecessary busyness that was truly threatening to undo my family. It's still a struggle, so this reminder was really helpful. Thanks.