Thursday, February 7, 2008

Please Pray

Okay I was watching this "commercial" promoting an upcoming movie, the Sons of Lwala. Its about 2 young men from Kenya,Africa who are making huge sacrifices to make a better life for the people in their village in Africa. If you can find it go and check it out: (Thank you Chris Rice for the information!)
But it also reminded me that I hadn't heard in a while how my cousins' were doing who also live in Kenya, Africa. And that worried me. They are coordinators for several mission efforts in Kenya. And have
 definitely been affected by all the violence. if you want to check out what they are doing. Anyway, I headed to their webpage to check on any news updates. And found out that they are still safe and doing okay. But please pray for the people of Kenya and particularly my cousins: Sam and Melody Harrell and their family as well as all of the people working alongside them in their mission efforts. And please pray for the people of Africa in general for their safety,for resolution to the violent outbreaks,and for the many refugees who have been displaced. 

Here is a bit from their latest update:

"Frankly, we are left scratching our heads as none of us envisioned this scenario and are at a loss to predict how it will be resolved. The longer it goes on, the more opportunistic violence will surface and hold us captive. This conflict and it's devastating effects will not soon be forgotten, if at all we manage to climb out of it.

Sunny Bindra is a writer for the Sunday Nation. Sunny is a member of the Sikh community and a Kenyan through and through. This Sunday he writes, " I thought Kenyans were God-fearing. I now see that they are merely church going. Which set of religious beliefs can allow you to pick up your panga and attack your neighbour and turn him into pieces of meat? Or burn his child and rape his wife? "Thou shalt not kill" is the most fundamental commandment of all in every faith. So how is it that people who sing hymns every Sunday have turned into blood-crazed savages who burn churches if they harbour the 'wrong people'? Can we not hear the screams?"

We are asking ourselves many questions these days. Your prayers are appreciated for the hundreds of thousands of ordinary Kenyans who have fled and are fleeing violence and forced removal from their areas of normal work and life because they happen to reside in an area other than their ancestral homes."

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