Saturday, November 5, 2011

Getting to Know YOU

Okay did this blog title make you start humming this song?  I had a school counselor who LOVED singing this with classes as she talked about moving from grade to grade and getting to know new friends and a new teacher. Yeah I admit I was always embarrassed for her. She didn't' sing very well. And I can still hear the groans coming from some of my buddies in the back of the class.  Well I won't sing it for you but I thought it was a perfect description for this post.
See I have been spending time delving into who I am and what makes me tick. And my Giftedness Center counselor is definitely getting to know me. You would think I would already know ALL about myself at this stage in the game. But as we travel through this life I think we begin adapting our behavior to please others, be accepted or get the job done. And I thought my Sabbatical would be a great time to evaluate if I was doing everything with my life that He would want me for me.
So as I have stated in earlier posts I have been working with Bev at the Giftedness center. This place sounds SO lovely doesn't it? Almost like its a wonderland where they hand you wonderful things: cookies and chocolate, new shoes, clothes, but sadly its not quite that.  And yet they ARE handing me wonderful things all about me. Its quite interesting to walk through the process they are working on with me.
After I met in my first session with Bev and she recorded my stories I waited about two weeks while my session was transcirbed and then plotted according to the SIMA profile. What in THE world is SIMA you may ask??  SIMA® stands for the System for Identifying Motivated Abilities, our proven, proprietary assessment process that is profoundly powerful at identifying an individual's unique pattern of motivated behavior.
After Bev got my results back we had our second meeting to walk through the results. Now I have done numerous similar studies and there are ALWAYS things that just don't ring true as I read through my report. Or there is always something the proctor can't explain to me. But as we read through the summary together I kept thinking WOW this is spot on. Everything they are stating is SO me. So we went through the summary which took 3 1/2 hours. Did I mention it was the summary?? Yep so you can imagine how much information you are given.

To continue, its powerfully stimulating as you read through all the results when you are through.
And it gets better, I also have homework. While my sabbatical is over this part of it isn't. I still have at least three more sessions with my adviser/counselor. I actually have homework that is due next week. All of which requires study and introspection. So while I like studying and gaining information. I have a feeling this might be a tad "painful" as I work through it.
So I will keep trekking on through this process the LORD is walking me through. Its not been dull that's for sure. But as I study about myself and how He created me I am amazed how very much I haven't been doing or living up to that I did as a child and teenager. Guess this means I got stuff to talk through with Bev. Well I guess I better get back to my reading.
By the way I am going to leave you with a question Bev left me with at the end of my second session. I think it might give you a peek into how my assessment session went. But how would you answer her?

 "Do you not feel that God created you to live in fullness of life? (see John 10:10)  If you do what do you think that looks like? Do you think He just meant that to point to when you go to be with Him in  Heaven or do you think He wants that for you now? If you think He wants that for you now, why aren't you living that way?!"

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