Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Father, Help Me To Slow Down

In the midst of the busy-ness of my days

Father God

Help me to slow down
To see the beauty of Your creation,

The changing colors of the leaves

The deep reds, bright oranges and golds

The myriads of other hues that You painted them to be;

To hear the sounds of life around me

A child's giggle and laugh

A birds song in the early morning hours

A loved ones words of care and encouragement.

Help me to slow down

To see the wonder in a child's eyes at the world around them,

Friends and family who are in need of a smile or encouraging word

Help me to slow down

To see the people around me

People who need You, Your love, Your Hope
Help me to slow down

So I can hear YOU

Your words of encouragement and love
The Songs You sing over me.

Help me to slow down and just be in Your presence.

Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10

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