Of all the things that I experienced last week the following gesture was the sweetest and most overwhelming for me.
This wonderful little cutie to the left named "G" who has SO very little to give surprised me on Wednesday with a gift.
Now understand these kiddoes are orphans, they have lockers that their things are kept in but for the most part they own very little, not even the clothes on their backs are theirs they belong to the Government whom they are wardens of. So for any of these precious kiddoes to give up something is HUGE. Well I was surprised with the gift of a stuffed puppy dog and a HUGE hug. AS you can imagine I was mush after recieving such a sacrifce and a myriad of emotions ran through me. It was all I could do not to run to the office, huddle in a corner and just sob.
While our church bought and paid for many things that they needed they gave infinitely more to the nine of us: unconditional love. They say that we have love tanks inside all of us that need to be filled each day or there will be negative results. Well I must say my love tank got filled to overflowing last week. It will be full for quite some time.
Once again this gesture from "G" reminded me of what Jesus said that we need to become like little children or we will never enter the kingdom of heaven. For its "G" 's example of love that gives us just a taste of what Heaven will be like. How are you doing in the area of becoming like a child??