Friday, November 20, 2009

Busy Time of Year for Me...

(yes I still use a paper planner...I like writing it all in)
This time of year is just a bit nuts for me at work and it all starts in October.(Well actually it starts when we begin our new church year in August but this time of year is a concentrated sprint as well) It starts with the build up to our annual Fall Fun Fest; decorating the church for Christmas (which I am liaison to the decorations team so I help with that effort) our Preschool annual event Birthday Party for Jesus; our new Hanging of the Green family event; and Sounds of Christmas. Usually I sing in Sounds of Christmas but still am not able to sing for long periods of time without coughing so I had to nix that for this year. All this plus the "normal" every week activities makes it non stop 11 weeks of activity.

But in the midst of all of this about 4 weeks ago I had a nasty bout with Bronchitis. My doctor said I was dangerously close to the Pneumonia mark. My breathing was really shallow and lungs were filled with infection. TMI? :-) Just know it was gross and I didn't really know how bad it was til I started recovering. At times I thought I would cough up a lung, ha ha ! Anyway, its been a loooooong trek trying to get back to "normal" from this. One annoying thing in the midst of this is that I still have not been allowed to get back to my full exercise routine; I can do my weights but no to the elliptical right now. Sad for this ...because that also means it will take a while to get back to where I was before I got sick.

As a result of the recovery I am usually zapped when I get home. Its hard not to do something for me...but have tried to be "good" so I could recover well instead of slowing it all down by not resting. But let me tell you its been hard.

In the midst of all of this have been several emotionally draining situations at church: we had the home going for one of our little ones this week. Little 5 month old Emily fought long and hard for many months but last Friday she went home to be with Jesus. I admit these things always send me to God's throne with crazy questions, anger and frustration. Thankfully He is there to lean on for me as well as others and all of Emily's family. I can't imagine her parents heartbreak. If you would, please join me in praying for Jeff and Karen. Thank you.

We also had one of our Dad's suffer from a brain bleed last week. Scary part of this beyond the nature of the ailment, was that his wife was in Guatemala at the orphanage we sponsor with people from our church when it took place. Thankfully she was able to make it home before they did his surgery. It has been a crazy couple of days for them. Thankfully he is at home recovering but its gonna take a few weeks for him to get back his strength, etc. If you would, would you also please join me in praying for the Jensen family. Thank you.

I end all of this with a you let the crazy-ness at your job rob you of spending time with your family and friends? My hardest task in days like these is keeping my time balanced, not getting so wrapped up in my job that I miss out on time with my friends. (My family is a bit far away for me to spend time with, but I do keep up with them via phone, texts, and email.)

So at this time of year don't miss out on those special moments with your family and friends. You can never get those moments back.